


纽约,纽约——09年10月:本·阿弗莱克(L)和詹妮弗洛佩兹参加10月09年最后决斗纽约首映式上,2021年在纽约市。(图片由阿斯特丽德Stawiarz 20世纪影城/盖蒂图片社)

本阿弗莱克和詹妮弗洛佩兹很私人的时候讨论他们重燃爱火。除了他们的红毯亮相和可爱的约会之夜,这对夫妇一直很谨慎和泄露的细节与公众的关系。然而,在最近的一次采访中,《华尔街日报》杂志,这位49岁的演员暗示他可能会开放再次结婚。“最重要的是作为一个好父亲,”他说。“第二个最重要的事情是一个好男人。和一个好人。表面上,你知道,一个好丈夫。希望。”Yes, he said "husband."


当讨论他和詹妮弗的关系,本说,他选择“运动有点克制”,因为他知道“这不是明智的与世界分享一切。”He continued, "There are some things which are private and intimate and have meaning in terms of their intimacy by dint of the fact that they are not shared with the rest of the world. I'm more comfortable just learning to find a boundary between things that I want to share and things that I don't. I know that I feel more comfortable having those healthy boundaries in my life."

本也承认,他们重新点燃浪漫是“绝对美丽的给我。”He added, "My life now reflects not just the person I want to be, but the person I really feel like I am ― which is not perfect, but somebody who tries very hard and cares very much about being honest and authentic and accountable . . . I could just say that I feel great about being very healthy. And it is a good story. It's a great story. And, you know, maybe one day I'll tell it. I'll write it all out. And then I'll light it on fire."

