
虽然它似乎坎耶·维斯特在格莱美奖,可能是开玩笑他在舞台上时,贝克赢了年度最佳专辑奖,也许他不是?类别还包括Kanye的长期的朋友和合作者碧昂丝,他的工作他说话了,他打断了泰勒·斯威夫特在2009年MTV音乐录影带大奖。在格莱美奖,他在舞台上走,但是他做了一个“没关系”的手势,回到了他的座位。人们认为他是在开玩笑,给VMAs系统时刻点头,但节目后,Kanye和金·卡戴珊出现E !谈论格莱美奖,说唱歌手似乎并不太满意奖颁奖典礼——或贝克。

他解释说格莱美奖,“我只知道,如果他们想要真正的艺术家保持回来,他们需要停止玩我们。我们不是要跟他们玩。贝克需要尊重艺术,他应该给他的奖:碧昂丝。”As Kim looked on, Kanye elaborated, adding, "Because when you keep on diminishing art and not respecting the craft and smacking people in their face after they deliver monumental feats of music, you're disrespectful to inspiration. And we as musicians have to inspire people who go to work every day, and they listen to that Beyoncé album and they feel like it takes them to another place." As for why he didn't want to interrupt Beck at the Grammys? "I'm not gonna do nothing to put my daughter at risk, but I am here to fight for creativity. That's the reason why I didn't say anything tonight, but you all know what it meant when Ye walked out on that stage!"

之后,金正日似乎呼应他的情绪她在推特上一幅画满脸惊讶与约翰的传说和克里斯Teigen,写作,“这个贝克赢得奖项的脸? ! ? ! ? !”In any case, there's one person who Kanye seemed to be totally cool with at the Grammys, and that was Taylor Swift. It's been nearly six years since Kanye interrupted her acceptance speech at the VMAs, and on Sunday,两人合影留念并在观众聊天。你认为是Kanye开玩笑重建他的“回头让你完成”时刻在格莱美吗?