
詹娜政府高级官员和钱宁·塔图姆分离经过近九年的婚姻。两人宣布分手通过Instagram 4月2日在一份声明中说,他们“地选择单独作为夫妻”,但这“一切都没有改变多少我们彼此相爱。”Channing and Jenna are parents to a4岁的女儿名叫弗利仍然和强调,他们是“家庭”,并将“永远爱父母。”金宝搏appThe reason for their split still remains unclear, but here's everything that's unfolded since then.

  1. 詹娜和钱宁宣布他们的分离。4月2日,詹娜和钱宁Instagram账户共享的联合声明,宣布分手。根据,两人已经分开好几个月钱宁搬出去洛杉矶的家里。“这是很长一段时间来,”一位消息人士向出版。“像任何婚姻,他们有起伏,但是他们真的分开在去年开始增长。”In fact,珍娜甚至似乎暗示他们的分裂过去几个月在Instagram,神秘的道“真相将征服一切”和“强者总是坚持下去。”
  2. 更多细节。根据,詹娜和钱宁的分裂实际上“已经酝酿了一段时间。”"They have been fighting the last couple of years, quite a bit," a source told the publication. "There is a sense of relief on both of their parts. They have tried working on things and had therapy, but nothing changed." The insider also suggested that Channing's constant flirting may have been one of the reasons for their split. "He flirts with everyone when he is in public," the source said. "She gets embarrassed and gets upset. Their friends noticed it. There's no fixing him." Another source added that whenever she would see the couple together, Jenna "always seemed very on guard and possessive."
  3. 珍娜是首次发现。一天后分手声明,珍娜离开SoulCycle被发现在洛杉矶。这位女演员保持低调的黑色,隐藏她的无名指,她带着一个水瓶和钥匙。
  4. 钱宁和詹娜仍然住在一起。尽管先前的报道,多个来源确认《美国周刊》詹娜和钱宁仍然住在一起。“他们还没在一起一段时间,”源解释道。“他们仍然是最好的朋友,互相支持,互相去的事件和住在同一个房子里。”Another insider revealed that their split was amicable and just "turned more into a friendship." "There wasn't any crazy drama or fighting," the source added. "They were constantly traveling for work and it turned out they were better apart and not together romantically anymore."
  5. 珍娜说。谣言后,钱宁的“过度饮酒”导致他们分手,詹娜关闭报告通过她的代表发表了一个声明《美国周刊》。“高兴地澄清,绝对这些谣言是真的,”声明中阅读。“形势是积极的,因为它可以。没有负面的。他们都非常成熟。没有什么真的说。”