

吉赛尔也承认她“不找关系”。“我一直在认真的关系,但是你学习很多关于自己当你独自一人,我很享受这个过程。但你不选择。”While both of Tom's relationships overlapped just a tiny bit, Tom ended up breaking things up with Bridget, who later announced she was pregnant with Tom's child and gave birth to son Jack in August 2007. "It was definitely a surprise for both of us," Gisele recalled. "In the beginning you're living this romantic fantasy; you're thinking, this can't be true, it's so good! And then, whoops — wake-up call! We were dating two and a half months when he found out, and it was a very challenging situation. Obviously, in the beginning, it's not the ideal thing." Fast-forward to present day, and Gisele has fully embraced being a stepmom to Jack and seems to have与布丽姬特的友好关系