
詹娜政府高级官员和钱宁·塔图姆早在2006年在拍摄加强,他们的爱情故事绝对是一个用于书籍。钱宁先前承认世界时装之苑杂志,他起初犹豫因为他“刚刚摆脱了一个相当长的关系”和“没有准备好另一个方式。”In fact, he "was trying to run from what I knew Jenna was — not someone I was just going to date. But one of my buddies was like, 'What are you doing, man? She's dope.' That night I showed up at her hotel room with a sombrero on, and that was it . . . we were drinking at a Mexican joint and I stole [the sombrero] off the wall."
