

德鲁·巴里摩尔和约翰Boyega加入詹姆斯戈登主演在周三晚上的比赛“泄漏你的内脏或填充你的勇气。”Following in the footsteps of a handful of celebs who've been brave enough to face a table full of disgusting foods (including戈登•拉姆齐,安娜温图尔,金·卡戴珊),演员们必须认真选择回答一些困难的问题,或大嚼“美味佳肴”。Without ruining too much of the fun, we will say that everyone chose the food at least once . . . and it's no wonder, given Drew was asked to rank her friends, and John was expected to reveal his星球大战薪水!那么,现在观看所有的行动下去查看了追忆她的深夜的另一亮点!