
黛安·基顿做了一个滑稽的外表艾伦·德杰尼勒斯秀周五,随便喝葡萄酒和揭示一些多汁的秘密而玩游戏”你,而谁?”In addition to chatting about how Al Pacino was one of her "many lovers" over the years, she also hinted at another romance that will definitely come out of left field. When she was faced with choosing between Leonardo DiCaprio and Jude Law, Diane got visibly embarrassed and said, "I know Leo非常好。”She then went on to explain that they once worked on a movie together when he was 17 but didn't want to discuss it further. Watch the video above to also see her现在在她的长期镇压,贾斯汀·比伯