
科林·法瑞尔是一个幸运的人。演员,杜嘉班纳的新面孔Intenso科隆,打开了这个品牌和他的两个儿子,生活就像亨利和詹姆斯。“这是非常复杂的,我觉得这是一个父亲,因为我不知道我在做什么,”科林说。“我没有读过书,但我知道,如果我这么做了,他们只会让我更多。”But while Colin admitted that fatherhood can be tough, he also couldn't help but light up when speaking about Henry and James's personalities. "I enjoy my boys. They're fun. They're good dudes," he said. "I have two very lovely, lovely human beings that look to me for help and assistance. Can you imagine? They're doomed." Watch the sweet clip above, then make your weekend even better by checking out these科林在Speedo的照片