
安妮·海瑟薇知道球迷在周日晚上的调优奥斯卡奖仪式已经预料意外,但她在这里提醒我们所有人,不管什么下降期间,这是,呃……“更糟。”The actress took to Instagram ahead of the event on Feb. 24, where she poked a little fun at the time she hosted the Oscars alongside James Franco back in 2011. "No matter what happens with today's show, just remember, it's already been worse," the 36-year-old captioned a photo. "Happy Oscars!"


“上帝,我只记得前一晚我们去,我向每个人,“我太多吗?对我这个感觉非常大,”她说。“和生产者就不!不做更少。如果你需要做更多的工作。”,我当时想,‘哦,我想就好了。”,我不知道发生了什么。”The show may not have been received as well as the two of them may have thought it would be, but it's great to see her being a good sport about it.