


匹配的纹身的谣言首先出现当BTS V对粉丝说:“纹身总有一天,我们会得到友谊,请期待它。”RM also talked tattoos on VLive, where he said, "Let's tattoo seven dots or do seven of something. Or just simply tattoo the number seven," which is what he ultimately chose. Even better, he said that if he were to get a tattoo, "I want to do it on the ankle," which is the exact placement shown on his Instagram.

就时间而言,这一切都很有意义。现在乐队的选集专辑,“证据”终于下降,这可能是目前的男孩一直在等待这么多年。毕竟,“证据”是一个不小的工程。它跨越三个cd,每个包含一个全新的轨道,并且包含48个歌曲。这三个新歌曲题为“还在后面(最美丽的时刻)”、“运行BTS”和“青年”。But does all this newness mean the entirety of BTS finally added fresh tattoos to their collection? Or is this simply just RM's way of paying tribute to his friends? Check out the photo ahead, and see what you think.