

但是他们的决定接受整形手术没有缓解的斗争Kehlani“美意味着什么”。事实上,它加剧,导致一些复杂的健康问题。手术后,Kehlani解释说,他们已经“慢性疲劳,大脑雾,严重的关节疼痛,不宁腿综合症,和新的过敏。”Kehlani's doctor thought their silicone implants could be to blame for these symptoms, with an autoimmune condition often referred to as乳房植入物的疾病。“我已经感觉烦躁不安的隆胸,因为我是个假小子。喜欢,我甚至把这些衣服怎么样?”他们说。


Kehlani最终决定移除植入物,和他们最大的遗憾是让别人决定自己如何看待自己。“我让世界欺负我感觉我需要这个,”他们说。“这是这样一个旅程如何我觉得我看起来的方式。”And it's a journey of highs and lows, but right now, Kehlani is right where they need to be. "I actually feel way more beautiful than I ever felt because I feel healthy. I really don't take my natural body for granted anymore. I got things done that went away because my body type was not meant to be changed in the way I thought I could change it," they said.

