
塞尔玛布莱尔继续蔓延积极性和意识多发性硬化症因为她是诊断出患有慢性疾病去年。女演员保持事情轻松的周日当她共享一个幽默的视频版本的快速“化妆教程”。She captioned the video, "I couldn't make this get onto my IG Story cause . . . I don't know. But here is my solution to applying makeup with a lack of fine motor skills. #laugh and feel free to reapply my makeup. #makeuptutorial #real." She put bronzer on a big fluffy brush and smoothed it all over her face, laughing and smiling. "There. Done," she said into the camera.


粉丝和明星的评论显示他们的爱和支持。克丽丝詹纳写道,“你一个明星。我崇拜你。今天发送你吨爱我的女孩,”和塞尔玛说:“@krisjenner更好的发送一些古铜色化妆品。”Watch the candid video above, and it'll leave a smile on your face.