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Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs: Traits, Dates, and More

The Need-to-Know Basics of Every Zodiac Sign

Guide to the 12 Zodiac Signs: Traits, Dates, and More

Curious what someone's really implying when they say you're "such a Gemini"? Want to dig a little deeper into what it means to be a Scorpio? Learning about yourself through your astrological birth chart (i.e., where the stars and planets were at the exact moment of your birth) can be a daunting but fun task — and it all starts with learning your sun sign.

According to western astrology, your sun sign represents thecore of who you are. It's what we're referring to when we say "zodiac sign" and what someone means when they ask"what your sign is. Some people don't relate to their zodiac sign's traits quite as much as others, and this can be because there's just so much more to astrology. For example, in addition to a sun sign, you also have amoon sign— the parts of you which live beneath the surface and turn inward — and arising sign(the parts that you share outwardly).

As we go through some interesting facts about each zodiac sign, remember that it's just one of the many facets of your full birth chart. Here, you'll learn all the important zodiac facts, including yourzodiac-sign element, the symbol andplanet associated with your sign, and the astrological house your sign rules. Whether you want to dive in or just skim the basics, this overview of zodiac-sign traits can help you do some self-reflection and maybe even learn a bit more about yourself.

—Additional reporting by Lauren Mazzo

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