艾米·舒默(charles Schumer)子宫内膜异位症治疗后感觉“就像一个不同的人”


在预览剪辑派拉蒙上她的外表+ docuseries“检查:大卫·阿古斯博士”(星期二)流,她叫她的经验条件“孤独的战斗。”"You tell someone you get really bad cramps, and they're like, 'Oh, it's being a woman,' and you're like, 'No, it's irregular'," the 41-year-old recalls in the clip,每一个人。“我已经在那么多痛苦,你知道的,我的整个生活——不仅仅是我一周的时间。这是在排卵。我希望得到一个不错的一周一个月,我没有很明显的疼痛,仍在试图实现,仍在试图通过生活。这是非常困难的。”

治疗后几乎立即,舒默说她“感觉像一个新人。”And while she has scars from the procedures, she says it's worth it. "I feel like someone lifted this veil that had been over me and I just felt like a different person and like a new mom." Also, "I think scars are cool," she adds.



然后,一年后,她手术治疗子宫内膜异位症。重新在2021年9月,她在能源共享一个更新的水平Instagram视频在她的子宫。“医生发现30点的子宫内膜异位,他删除。他删除了我的阑尾由于子宫内膜异位攻击。”In the caption, she wrote a message to anyone undergoing similar symptoms: "If you have really painful periods, you may have #endometriosis." Consider talking to your doctor if you experience symptoms like crippling menstrual cramps, painful sex, and fatigue.